Contoh Teks News Item Tentang Hewan Langka
News Item merupakan jenis teks bahasa Inggris yang menginformasikan kepada pembaca peristiwa aktual yang terjadi. Jenis teks ini pada umumnya dijumpai di media massa khususnya surat kabar. Adapun kejadian yang diberitakan dalam news item adalah kejadian yang dianggap penting. Artinya, khalayak ramai harus mengetahui peristiwa tersebut.
Sebuah news item memiliki tiga struktur utama berupa main event, background event, dan source. Bagian utama yaitu main event berisi ringkasan kejadian inti yang hendak diberitakan kepada pembaca.
Kemudian, tulisan dilanjutkan dengan background event. Bagian ini berisi penjelasan 5W+1H (who, what, where, when, why, how).

Bagian terakhir dari sebuah news item adalah source. Bagian tersebut berupa pernyataan atau pendapat dari saksi kejadian dan para ahli mengenai peristiwa yang diberitakan.
News item memiliki ciri-ciri menggunakan action verbs, saying verbs, material process, headline, dan fokus pada kejadian yang diberitakan. Selain itu, sebuah berita biasanya menggunakan kata kerja bantu yang menunjukkan tempat dan waktu.
Baca juga : Contoh Hortatory Exposition Text Tentang Lingkungan Hidup
Setelah mengetahui definisi, tujuan, struktur umum, dan ciri-ciri news item, perhatikan contoh teks news item tentang hewan langka berikut ini.
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Habitation of orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) in the Melnyie conservation forest, East Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan Province, is threatened by the opening of oil palm plantation by PT Nasional Agro Sejahtera (NAS).
In addition to the orangutan habitation, the conservation forest of 1,465-hectare large managed by Wehea Indigenous Body, is also home to many other rare animals such as honey bear (Helarctos malayanus) and rangkok badak (Buceros rhinoceros).
“Considering its rich biodiversity, Melnyie conservation forest have to be protected from any threats, especially from the land opening for oil palm plantation,” said Chairman of Profauna Indonesia, Rosek Nursahid in Malang, on Friday October 31.
According to Rosek, PT NAS has started clearing the land in the border region of Melnyie forest since the mid of 2014. The land clearing was sniffed on July by Profauna Indonesia who found that the company has opened more than hundred hectare land that is ready to be planted.
Based on Profauna observation, the orangutans are starting to show symptoms of stress, such as walking back and forth, sleeping and sitting around without expression. Some of the orangutans moved further into the forest.
Oil palm plantation opening have been known to cause conflicts between human and orangutans because the animals will likely to eat the young palm’s leaves and seeds.
“We are afraid that the conflict will cause massacre on the orangutans like what happened in previous events,” said Rosek.
The Coordinator of Profauna Borneo, Bayu Sandi, said that PT NAS should leave some space to be used as conservation area that connects to the Menyie forest. He also said that Profauna is ready to set campaign against the opening of the plantation if PT NAS is not halting the land clearing.
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Baca juga : Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Cendrawasih
Referensi :
Pengertian dan Struktur News Item Text. (n.d.). Retrieved from
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