Contoh Announcement Text Formal dan Informal
Pemberitahuan dalam bentuk pengumuman dalam Bahasa Inggris dikelas sebagai announcement text. Tujuannya adalah memberitahukan suatu hal kepada khalayak tertentu. Berikut kami lampirkan contoh announcement text dalam bentuk formal dan informal.
Sebelumnya, ketahui dahulu keterangan umum mengenai jenis teks ini.
- Strukturnya terdiri dari dua bagian, title atau judul dan explanation atau penjelasan
- Isi dari announcement memenuhi unsur 5W 1H. Acara apa, dimana, kapan, siapa yang diundang dan bagaimana cara mengikutinya.
- Teks ini mencantumkan nama kontak dan nomor yang dapat dihubungi
- Karena mengumumkan sesuatu biasanya berbentuk future tense untuk pengumuman acara yang akan datang.
Berikut kami lampirkan contoh announcement text formal yang sifat resmi dan announcement informal untuk penggunaan yang tidak resmi.

Text 1 : Formal Announcement Text at School
Based on the recommendation of the President of the Indonesian Republic Joko Widodo and The Minister of Education. There will be no learning activities at school for students. Due to the rise of corona virus or the Covid-19 virus in Indonesia, all schools are closed. Students will learn at home with the task and homework that each teacher already prepared. Here is the detail information
Event : Study at home due to corona virus
Time : 15 March 2020 – 30 March 2020
School start : 31 March 2020
For more information contact ms. Lydia 08121232223
Baca juga: 8 Contoh Announcement Text for Graduation Singkat
Text 2 : Informal Announcement Text at School
The Lunch Box Club Gathering
Hello, all foody lovers in our beloved school. We have been absent sometimes because of the school’s activities. Now, we are ready to have another gathering just for all the lunch box club member. This event’s purpose is to share an interesting menu taking the theme of “Go Green”. Just for the event only, the members are allowed to bring a new member to the gathering. It is something that we rarely do, so make sure the candidate is a dedicated ones and meet our club’s motto.
The event for the Gathering will be held on 15 January 2021 at School’s canteen.
The time is on lunchtime from 12.00 to 13.00
the menu is “Go Green”
For further information please contact ms Alma the School’s nurse at 081212345554
Note : You must come on time or can not enter at all.
Text 3 : Formal Announcement Text in the office
To All Employee
We are hereby informing everyone about the next Company’s Family Gathering. It is held to commemorate out Office 25th Birthday. Everyone, please register their name and their family to every manager in their unit. Here is the complete detail that everyone needs to pay attention to.
Event : Family Gathering X Company
Date: 25 June 2020
Time : 07.00 at the office yard for re-registration check-up
Last registration : 16 June 2020
Place : Bidadari Island
What to prepare :
Personal medicine, warm clothes.
What the company prepare:
The company’s T-Shirt
Meals and transportation
Accommodation for every family in one room for 4 person
For information please contact ms. Indah in 081212324324
note. there will be no additional registration after the 15th of June 2020. Please, pay attention to the dates carefully.
Demikianlah contoh announcement text untuk dua buah keperluan yang berbeda, yang formal dan informal. Walaupun berbeda, keduanya berisikan informasi lengkap yang sama untuk menyampaikan sebuah informasi bagi yang membacanya. Apakah ada bagian yang ingin ditanyakan? Cantumkan pertanyaan Anda dibawah ini.
Kamu mungkin juga suka :
. Terakhir diupdate: