Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Beyoncé Knowles
Descriptive text adalah salah satu jenis teks expository yang menggambarkan secara detail topik tertentu. Adapun topik yang biasanya dibicarakan adalah sebuah lokasi, tokoh, atau benda tertentu. Jika kamu mencari deskripsi tempat, tokoh, atau benda tertentu secara detail, kamu bisa mendapatkannya dengan membaca sebuah descriptive text terkait dengan topik yang sedang kamu cari.
Descriptive text terdiri dari dua bagian; identification dan description. Topik tulisan dijelaskan secara umum pada identification. Kemudian, deskripsi detail dari topik tersebut dijelaskan dalam uraian-uraian selanjutnya. Kadang-kadang, sebuah descriptive text ditutup dengan kesimpulan yang mengingatkan pembaca kembali akan topik utama pembicaraan.
Dalam descriptive text yang menceritakan tentang tokoh populer tertentu, kamu biasanya akan menemukan daftar riwayat hidup singkat tokoh tersebut. Dalam contoh berikut ini, deskripsi tokoh tersebut dimulai dengan menyebutkan nama lengkap tokoh, tanggal lahir, dan tempat tinggalnya. Karena tokoh berikut adalah seorang entertainer, tulisan tersebut menyoroti sejarah karirnya di bidang yang dia lakoni itu.
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Tidak jarang, orang-orang di sekitar tokoh yang berkontribusi terhadap kesuksesannya juga disebut. Dalam hal ini, biasanya kontribusi keluarga, kerabat, atau tokoh inspiratif dicantumkan. Pencapaian-pencapaian hidup tokoh tersebut juga merupakan hal yang menarik untuk dibicarakan. Maka dari itu, tak jarang daftar penghargaan paling bergengsi yang diterima sang tokoh turut dilampirkan.
Bagaimana? Sudah paham garis besar pengertian descriptive text? Jika sudah, perhatikan contoh descriptive text tentang Beyoncé Knowles berikut ini.

Who is Beyoncé Knowles?
Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter was born in Houston, Texas, on September 4, 1981. The American woman is a singer, songwriter, dancer, record producer, and performer. She is currently regarded as one of the biggest female stars on the American music scene.
Beyoncé Knowles began her singing career in her hometown, Houston, since she was still a child. Her parents and family always encouraged her to improve her musical talents as well as her dancing skills. Her parents are one of many inspirations she has in her life. Her father, Mathew Knowles, is her personal manager. Meanwhile, her mother, Tina Knowles, is her costume designers. Tina Knowles has designed many of the costumes her daughter wears on concert tours and music videos.
Before Beyoncé started her solo career, she was one of the members of the R&B girl-group Destiny’s Child. The group was one of the best-selling girl groups in history. The group went on hiatus in 2003. While in hiatus, Beyoncé decided to release her first solo album, Dangerously in Love. The album received great success, debuting at number one of the US Billboard 200 chart. The album, which includes hit singles like “Crazy in Love” and “Baby Boy” also received five Grammy Awards.
After Destiny’s Child break-up in 2005, Beyoncé went completely solo. Because of her unbridled enthusiasm for her work, Beyoncé found instant success in the music industry. People around her always said that she is a tireless worker and a talented individual. No doubt that she is also one of the most beautiful women in the music industry.
Beyoncé has made and released six studio albums, four live albums, three compilation albums, five EPs, 62 singles, one sountrack albums, two collaborative albums, and two karaoke albums. She received 852 nominations from various awards and has won 313 of them. The most prestigious awards that Beyoncé has ever received includes 28 BET Awards, 25 MTV Video Music Awards, 23 Grammy Awards, and 15 Soul Train Music Awards.
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Referensi :
Beyoncé. (2019, March 1). Retrieved fromé
Beyoncé Knowles: Beauty and Talent Personified. (2019, March 3). Retrieved from
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