Contoh Explanation Text Tentang Bencana Alam Tanah Longsor

Explanation text merupakan jenis tulisan yang menjelaskan suatu proses, misalnya proses bekerjanya suatu benda atau terjadinya fenomena alam. Tujuan dibuatnya explanation text adalah untuk memberikan informasi kepada pembaca terkait suatu proses.

Secara kaidah kebahasaan, ada beberapa ciri khas explanation text. Pertama, teks jenis ini menggunakan simple present tense. Alasannya, proses yang dijabarkan adalah fakta. Kemudian, sebuah explanation text juga biasanya menggunakan action verbs.

Passive voice dalam teks jenis ini digunakan untuk menekankan fokus pada kejadian yang berlangsung. Teks tersebut juga biasanye mengandung istilah-istilah teknis dan frasa benda.

Nah, kali ini ingin memberikan contoh teks Bahasa Inggris yang menjelaskan tentang proses terjadinya tanah longsor. Baca dan pahami penjelasannya. Kemudian, diskusikan struktur dan isi teks.

Baca juga : Contoh Explanation Text Tentang Bencana Alam Tornado

Tanah Longsor
© Pixabay


A mudslide is a very wet landslide. It is sometimes called a debris flow because this type of landslides carries more than just mud. It is a water-soaked (saturated) mass of soil and rocks that picks up anything in its path.

Gravity and water play a role in causing mudslides. Hurricanes and other severe rain storms produce a lot of water in a short period of time. Soil on a steep slope becomes so wet that it is too heavy to stick to the underlying rock or soil. Gravity pulls the mud down the hill. The saturated soil flows much faster and farther than an ordinary landslide. The debris flow ranges from watery mud to thick, rocky mud that can carry large boulders and trees.

Mudslides happen in places that are hilly or steep. Coastal areas with cliffs weakened by erosion can have mudslides when there is intense rainfall. Droughts, wildfires, and deforestation can destroy vegetation. There is a strong chance that these areas will also have mudslides during and after heavy rainfall.

Mudslides can have devastating effects on people and landscapes. They bury houses, vehicles, crops, animals, and people. On average, mudslides cause 25 to 50 deaths each year. The tides of mud, tress, and boulders can sweep through villages and towns, destroying the vegetation along the way. When the flows reach flatter ground, the debris spreads over a wide area, sometimes collecting in thick deposits. The mud will stifle any plant and animal life beneath it.

Places hit by mudslides are often declared disaster areas. Nothing will live there for a long time. A mudslide can leave a deep scar on a mountainside or hillside. This acts as a reminder of potential danger to those who live nearby.

Dapatkah kamu menceritakan kembali bagaimana tanah longsor itu terjadi? Pelajari setiap kata-kata sulit yang kamu temukan.

Referensi :

Fraccaro, C. (2008). Dynamic Planets. In Literacy in Action (pp. 16-17). Retrieved from

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