3 Contoh Business Letter

Surat bisnis (business letter) adalah segala bentuk surat yang ditulis untuk kepentingan bisnis. Jenis surat ini memiliki bentuk yang sudah terstandardisasi (baku) dan gaya bahasa resmi. Bahkan, tata cara mengetik surat bisnis sudah diatur mulai dari jenis font, ukuran font, hingga lebar margin surat.

Secara umum, surat bisnis yang baik adalah yang badan suratnya singkat, padat, dan jelas. Jelaskan tujuan kamu menulis surat di paragraf pertama surat bisnis kamu. Berikan keterangan lebih spesifik dalam paragraf berikutnya. Terakhir, gunakan paragraf penutup untuk menegaskan kembali alasan kamu untuk menulis. Berterimakasihlah kepada penerima yang sudah membaca. Jika perlu, sebutkan rencana tindak lanjut surat tersebut.

Agar lebih jelas, simak 3 contoh business letter berikut ini.

Baca juga : Contoh Informal Letter (Letter to A Friend)


Anthony Blum
2637 Rosewood Court
Austin, Minnesota, 55912

Dear Mr. Walter Weaver,

My name is Anthony Blum from PT Jupiter Software. We are a small company in Minnesota which engaged in business of making Android applications. We make official application for National Championship in 2018, application for Minnesota Book Club (MBC), and many more.

This year, we would like to design an application that reminds mothers when to vaccinate their children. We do not take any material benefits for this social project. In order to cover the expenses in making the application, we need financial help from philanthropists like you who support maternal and infant health.

I enclosed the proposal of this social project. Kindly look into our proposal and support us to make the application available to all mothers and infants.


Anthony Blum
CEO of Jupiter Software


To: All candidates

Dear Candidates,

We at PT Typhoon Industries would like to inform you about a job opening in our company. We need creative, ambitious, and sincere people to join us.

The applicant must have minimum one year of job experience in the marketing department. Applicants will be given positions as per their qualifications.

You can send your applications to hrd@typhoonindustries.co.uk. The selected applicants will be interviewed by phone or by Discord after being called by the HRD staffs.

If there is any question, you can contact us by sending email to the above-mentioned address. We will answer them on working hours; from Monday to Saturday at 08.00 until 16.00 WIB.

Robert Baumgart
Head of Human & Resource Department

Baca juga : Pedoman Cepat Menulis Surat Bisnis dalam Bahasa Inggris


James Catanzaro
2897 Hope Street
Portland, Oregon, 97232

Dear Sales Manager of Primacoustics Store,

Yesterday, 07 April 2019, my wife and I had visited your showroom. We purchased a set of sound systems. We were attended to by your staff member namely Lorraine that showed us around many brands of sound systems nicely. We then purchased a Primacoustics sound systems and paid $1.000 cash.

We requested the staffs to deliver it to our home. The staffs agreed and promised that it would be delivered not longer than two days.

However, we were shocked to find that the delivery team delivered the wrong set to us. We were very disappointed since we were expecting it so much since we bought it.

I request you to look into this matter and deliver the correct set to my house. Your team can deliver it to the above-mentioned address. I am enclosing a copy of the receipt of our payment.

Thank you,

James Catanzaro

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