Contoh Formal Letter Dalam Perusahaan
Contoh Formal Letter Dalam Perusahaan | Menulis surat adalah salah satu kebutuhan dalam berinteraksi. Ada surat yang formal dan ada juga yang informal. Keduanya memiliki bentuk, bahasa dan isi yang berbeda. Kali ini akan kami bahas tentang membuat surat formal yang sering digunakan dalam perusahaan.
Beberapa contoh surat formal termasuk surat teguran, surat pengunduran diri dan surat keluhan. Masih banyak jenis surat resmi lainnya yang dibuat dan diberikan dalam perusahaan. Yang akan kami bahas saat ini adalah tiga jenis surat formal dalam perusahaan sebagai berikut.
Contoh Surat Keluhan
PT Stargaze Indonesia 120, Bandung, 7th November 2019
Merdeka Street
Surabaya 4030
Phone/Fax (022) 5665560
To: Ms. Stephanie Park
Custumer Service Manager
Lovely Cosmetics Korea
532, Gangnam-Gu Seoul, Korea
Dear Ms.,
I hereby writing a complaint letter regarding the last purchase that we have with your company. We purchased 100 dozens of sheet mask and 50 dozens of foot patches and 10 dozen of eye patches. The purchase code is 54RZ in January 2020.
When we are disappointed with the package, when it arrived.there are 2 dozen sheet mask was broken. The number of foot patches that we received is only 20 patches, so there are 30 patches missing. The package was well sealed. However, the content is not.
We have been working together for over a year now. There has never been any problem. I have sent a notice before, yet there are no significant responses. Therefore, I am asking directly to you as the representative costumer service. I would like this issue handled and resolved as soon as possible. I attached a copy of the purchase order, the packages, and the bill for the purchase.
I hope you can give your fastest response as soon as possible. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Maria Magdalena
Contoh Surat pengunduran Diri
Bandung, 13th January 2020
Maya Harrison
Director PT Sunflower
20, Merdeka Street Bandung
Dear sir,
I am writing this letter to inform about my resignation. It has been a great honour working with you and the company. As the chief customer service at PT Sunflower for 10 years, I learn a lot and have a family there.
I will move to Canada to follow my husband. We will leave in March 2020, there will be plenty of time to make any preparation before I resign. I can still work with the company until that time. I will still work before you find someone to fill in my position.
T am thankful for all the guidance and the precious moment I spent with the company. Please inform me for anything that I need to do and prepared before leaving. I can be contacted on my email for further information.
Many thanks for your help and assistance all of these times. I am also grateful for the opportunity of hiring me.
Best Regards,
Sally Salim
Baca juga : Pedoman Cepat Menulis Surat Bisnis dalam Bahasa Inggris
Itulah beberapa contoh informal letter dalam bahasa inggris yang sering digunakan dalam perusahaan. Penggunaan bahasanya resmi dengan penggunaan kalimat baku. Apakah Anda dapat memahaminya? Silahkan meninggalkan komentar bila masih ada pertanyaan.
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