Contoh Recount Text Tentang Liburan ke Singapura
Recount text adalah sebuah tulisan yang berisi uraian kejadian-kejadian masa lalu. Kejadian tersebut biasanya bersifat pribadi. Secara umum, tujuan utama recount text adalah untuk memberikan informasi atau menghibur pembaca.
Struktur umum dari recount text adalah orientation, chronological events, dan reorientation. Orientation berisi penjelasan singkat tentang latar belakang cerita. Chronological events merupakan bagian isi cerita secara berurutan. Tulisan ini ditutup dengan reorientation.
Sekarang, perhatikan contoh recount text tentang liburan berikut ini. Sebuah tulisan recount yang baik mampu menjawab 5W+1H (Who, What, When, Where, Why, dan How). Silakan diskusikan contoh berikut dengan teman-teman kamu.
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Holiday in Singapore
Last week, I went to Singapore with family. It was on Lunar Year Holiday. I had never been to Singapore before. However, my parents and my older brother had visited this country two years ago. My brother insisted to spend our holiday there because he wanted to ride The Singapore Flyer. Meanwhile, my Dad was fed up with works and decided to take a vacation. My Mum also wanted to break out her daily routine once in awhile. We all wanted to do something different than usual.
We booked two bedrooms at Hotel Kai. It only took about five minutes from the hotel to The Singapore Flyer. This tourist attraction is the world’s largest observation wheel. From this observation wheel, we saw Singapore River, Marina Bay, Empress Place, Raffles Place, and even Padang which is located in Indonesia. My brother was so ecstatic when we were riding the wheel. I was astonished with the size of the wheel. It was an unforgettable experience.
One afternoon when we were roaming in the hotel, my Dad decided to cool off at the swimming pool. We drank Chin Chow and ate fresh fruits. My Mum was busy taking photos.
The day after, we visited Singapore Food Treats. I really wanted to try this country’s traditional food such as Chicken Rice, Laksa, and Bak Kut Teh. Those foods were sold here. I bought Laksa, a spicy noodle soup dish mixed with coconut milk. It didn’t make my stomach hurt with the spiciness but its taste were really distinctive. Not bad, but, it was not my cup of tea.
On the last day, we went to the Orchard Road; “The Shopper’s Paradise”. Specifically, we went to a traditional Chinese store called Eu Yan Sang. My Mother bought a set of herbal remedies. It is believed that the remedies can cure many illnesses.
When we went home, my Mum printed some of her photos taken from her digital camera. One of them is now hung in my family room. Overall, it was a memorable and amazing holiday.
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Referensi :
Iconic Souvenirs of Singapore. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Singapore Flyer – Singapore Ferris Wheel in Marina Bay. (n.d.). Retrieved from
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