5 Contoh Spoof Texts : Humor Ala Skotlandia

Spoof text adalah suatu tulisan yang sepertinya membicarakan hal yang penting tetapi pada kenyataannya adalah sebuah lelucon. Karakteristik spoof text adalah tidak dapat diprediksi jalan ceritanya dan memiliki akhir cerita bersifat humoris.

Spoof text boleh dikata mirip dengan recount text karena sama-sama menceritakan pengalaman masa lalu secara kronologis. Akan tetapi, tujuan dari spoof text semata-mata untuk menghibur pembaca dengan cerita lucu sedangkan recount text hanya bermaksud menceritakan kembali pengalaman unik di masa lalu.

Struktur umum dari spoof text adalah terdiri dari orientation, events, dan twist. Bagian pertama cerita adalah latar belakang cerita. Kemudian, kronologi cerita dikisahkan. Lalu, ditutup dengan ending yang tidak dapat diprediksi dan jenaka.

Di bawah ini, ada lima contoh spoof texts yang merupakan tipikal humor ala Skotlandia. Seberapa lucu kisah-kisah berikut ditentukan juga dengan seberapa paham pembaca terhadap latar belakang, terutama budaya, asal kisah tersebut.

Diskusikan contoh berikut dengan teman-teman kamu:

After his barn burned down, a Buchan farmer put in an insurance claim. The agent who came round to inspect the damage and settle the claim tried to sell him some more insurance.

“Are you covered against cattle theft? And what about floods?”

“Floods, eh?” said the farmer. “That’s interesting. How do you set about starting a flood?”

When Sanders MacGillivary came back from his first trip to London, everyone in the village was keen to find out how he had got on.

“Did you like it?”

“Oh, it was no’ bad.”

“As good as that, was it?”

“Well, there was just the one thing wrong. The people in my hotel just would not go to their bed. They were outside my room in the corridor shouting and banging till three o’clock in the morning.”

“What did you do, Sanders?”

“Och, I just kept on playing my bagpipes.”

A schoolboy was trying on his first long trousers.

“They’re too tight,” he said to his mother, “Tighter than my skin.”

“How can they be tighter than your skin?”

“I can sit down in my skin.”

Dr Watson had a patient who was both self-important and boring. One day, whilst a minor complain was being dealt with, the patient said, “I’ve been invited to speak to the Rotary Club next week. The question is, what should I tell them?”

“Tell them you’ve got flu,” said Dr Watson.

Thomas and Tillie had been married for some time and had spent a lot of it arguing and losing their tempers, with Tillie retiring upstairs and Thomas retiring to the pub. One day, prompted by a friend, Thomas went to see a marriage guidance counsellor.

“I’d need to see you together,” said the counsellor, “but I will tell you one thing. A woman likes to feel loved and appreciated. Why not try telling her you love her? You’ll find you feel better too.”

Thomas looked rather doubtful as he left. However, during the day he resolved to try out the advice. He cam straight home from work.

“How’s your day been, Tillie?” he asked benevolently.

“Don’t ask,” she said. “There’s been a power cut, the children have broken my best bowl, the cat’s been sick on the bed….”

He put his arm round her.

“Never mind, Tillie, your Thomas loves you,” he said.

She pushed him away with a violent shove.

“And to cap it all, you come home drunk!” she shouted.

Setelah membaca 5 contoh spoof text di atas, apa tanggapan kamu? Apakah kamu mengerti letak kelucuan humor ala Skotlandia tersebut? Jika ya, ceritakan di mana lucunya. Jika tidak, mengapa? Sampaikan pendapat kamu di kolom komentar, ya!

Referensi :

Findlater, C. (2009). Scottish Jokes. Waverley Books.

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