Contoh Teks Fabel Pendek dan Pesan Moralnya

Contoh Teks Fabel | Fabel adalah kisah dengan tokoh binatang yang bertindak layaknya manusia. Karya sastra ini sangat ampuh untuk menularkan berbagai perilaku baik yang ingin disampaikan pada pembaca secara tidak langsung.

Dengan mengambil penokohan binatang, pesan moral dapat tersampaikan. Kita dapat mengambil kesimpulan dari contoh teks fabel yang dibaca. Ada banyak contoh yang dapat dipelajari. Berikut ini adalah beberapa diantaranya.

Contoh Teks Fabel

Text 1 : The Fox And The Stork

A fox was walking in the forest. He saw a pond and decided to fish there. He also sees a stork in the pond. He was bathing in the pond. The fox asked the stork “What are you doing there?”. The stork look at the fox. “I am taking a bath”.

Not long after, the fox caught a fish. He looked at the stork and said: “come to my hut and have dinner with this fish that I just caught”. The stork nods to the fox. He went to the fox’s house for dinner. He knocked on the door. “Come in hurry” said the fox. He was making soup and putting them in small bowls.

The stork has a long beak and can not eat from a bowl. The fox looked at him and said “I am sorry, I do not have anything else”. He put the soup into a basket and give it to the stork. “Take this home and eat it”.

The moral value of the story is there is always a way to be kind to others.

Text 2 : The dog and its shadow

A dog was walking with a big bone in his mouth. He wanted to eat it at home. So, he walked happily. As he was passing a river, he noticed something in the water. There was another dog with a bone in his mouth.

He stopped and look into the water. The dog did the same thing. The dog looks exactly like him, with the same spots and white long ear. He wanted to say something but he remembered that he got a bone in his mouth.

He thought that if he took the bone from the dog in the water. Then he will have two bones. Without hesitation, he jumped into the water to catch the dog in the water. He lost the bone and also the bone in the water.

The moral value of the story is never too greedy.

Text 3 : The Ant And The Grasshopper

In a village, there was an ant and a grasshopper living next to another. The ant is very diligent and likes to work all the time. The grasshopper is lazy and likes to sit around all day doing nothing.

One day, the grasshopper was sitting outside and drinking tea. He saw the ant walking back and forth carrying food. Then he asked the ant. “Why re you so busy?”. I need together food for the winter”. Then the grasshopper laugh and say “winter is still long from now”. The ant did not reply. He just keept on moving and gathering food.

Months passed, the grasshopper realized there is only days before winter. He looked for food everywhere but many places are empty. There are no fruits everywhere. The fish and other food are also gone. Then winter came, and he has no food at all. Then he heard a knocked on the door. The ant came and gave him some food.

The moral value of the story is not to procrastinate.

Baca juga : Contoh Soal Teks Fabel Singkat tentang Persahabatan

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